Pennsylvania Teacher Educator - Vol. 22, No. 1 - Fall 2024
Individual Articles, by authors:
Lanzon, Davis-Fritzley & Burns
Pennsylvania Teacher Educator - Vol. 22, No. 1 - Fall 2023
Individual Articles, by authors:
Drogan, Gardner, Dean, Schlotter
Pennsylvania Teacher Educator - Vol. 21, No. 2 - Fall 2022
Pennsylvania Teacher Educator - Vol. 21, No. 1 - Spring 2022
Casebeer, Daniel, Pontoriero, Kayleen - Promoting Democratic Engagement with Low-Stakes Discussion Board Interventions
Durham,Dawn, Naccarelli,Amy L. - Teacher Preparation in Pennsylvania: Alignment to the National Reading Panel Findings
Gentile, Amber L. - Preparing for Learning and Teaching: Incorporating UDL and Mindset into Teacher Preparation Programs
Jones, Victoria A. - Preservice Teacher Curricula Should Include Research on Non-Cognitive Characteristics
Soutter, Madora, Timmerman, Joanna - Teacher Transformative SEL as a Foundation for Student Transformative SEL
Tours, Sara, Jordan, Jessica, Kent, Lacee, Carnahan, Kennedy, Stiger, Jaymee, Rapone, Isabella, and Potteiger, Morgan - Challenging and Rewarding: Being Both a Paraprofessional and a Preservice Teacher during a Global Pandemic
Pennsylvania Teacher Educator - Vol. 20- Fall 2020
Zook, Kevin, Price, Gwen - Partnership in Progress: PAC-TE Collaboration with the Pennsylvania Department of Education
Pennsylvania Teacher Educator - Vol. 19 - 2020
Front Matter -- 2020 PTE Journal
DeSantis, Josh; Lewis, Katie, D. -- Experiential Learning at a Distance: Cloud Video Field Supervision
Gardner, Stephanie, J; Drogan, Robin; Knoster, Tim -- Integrating Comprehensive Trauma Informed Practices in Teacher Preparation
Long, Amy E.; Morgart, Erin -- Two Student Teaching Pathways Within One University
Blymire, Mary; Yacapsin, Maude -- Stress and Preservice Educators: Our Role as Teacher Educators and School Leaders in Supporting Teacher Well-being
Minken, Zachary; Macalalag, Jr., Augusto Z.; Richardson, Greer -- Developing Teachers’ Intentions of Incorporating Socioscientific Issues in Lesson Design
McNelly, Tracy A. -- Teacher Candidate Perceptions of an Integrated Field Experience within a Sixth-Grade English Language Arts Classroom
Barbara M. Hanes, Ed. D. Louise A. Whitelaw, Ph.D. Christopher Pugliese, M.A. Eran Magen, Ph.D. -- Teaching Relationship Skills in the Preparation of Pre-Service Teachers
Beverly R. Bryde Amber L. Gentile -- Student Teacher Perceptions on Teaching Social Justice
The Pennsylvania Teacher Educator - Vol. 16 - 2017
Augusto Z. Macalalag, Jr. Joseph Johnson, Michelle Lai - STEM Education Course: Enhancing K-12 Teachers’ Cultural Awareness Through Reflections of Socioscientific Issues
Stephanie Smith Budhai, Ph.D. Laura McLaughlin Taddei, Ed.D. - Developing Reflective Teachers through Voice- Recorded Reflections
Sheila J. Conway Kaitlyn, Brennan Paul W. Scott - A University Response to the Special Education Teacher Shortage: Extending Professional Development from Teacher Preparation into Novice Years
Greer M. Richardson, Ph. D. Deborah S. Yost, Ph. D. Alana Mellor, M.S. Ed. Allison Rudolph, M.S.Carol M. Pate, Ed. D - Collaborating for Change: Using Instructional Coaching and Professional Learning Communities to Support Reform at Multiple Levels of University-School Partnerships
Diane Nettles Angela Bloomquist Holly Diehl Deborah Grubb Kevin Koury Connie Monroe - Quantifying and Cultivating Professional Dispositions: One Educator Preparation Provider’s Story
Sarah R. Edwards Moore, Ph. D. Stephanie J. Gardner, Ph.D. - Navigating Supervision Challenges and Striving to Be a BEACON for Student Teachers
Reuben S. Asempapa Derek J. Sturgill James K. Adabor - Mathematical Modeling: A Teaching and Learning Strategy in School Mathematics
Pennsylvania Teacher Educator - Vol. 15 - 2016
Pennsylvania Teacher Educator - Vol. 14 - 2015
Amy Gratch Hoyle - Collaborative Faculty Development with Part-Time Faculty in Teacher Education
Greer Richardson, Carol Pate, Deborah Yost, and Mary Williams - Cooperating Teachers as Instructional Coaches: Building Supportive Relationships with Pre-Service Teachers
Michele White - How Pre-Service Teachers Chose to Become Early Childhood or Middle Level Teachers
Amy Conner Love and Richard Sabousky - The Efficacy of Using a Self-Directed Phonics and Structural Analysis Program on Increasing the Literacy Knowledge of Pre-Service Teachers
Megan Scranton and Daniel McKee - The Power of Book Studies in Promoting Professional and Personal Growth in Pre-Service Teachers
Shelly Haser and Mary Ann Rafoth - Serving Military Families and Meeting the Needs of the Military-Connected PreK-12 Student: A Brief Intervention Model
Donna Kowalcyzk and Katie Monsour - Professional Development Plans: Tools for Teacher Educators
Daryl Rodgers and Mary Herman - Mandating a Change? Pre-Service Teachers’ Attitudes and Self-Efficacy Regarding English Language Learners
Pennsylvania Teacher Educator - Vol. 13 - 2014
Vickilyn Barnot, Katrina Brown, Katie Klinger, and Shelly Franklin - A Case Study of Collaboration between Science Faculty and Preservice Early Childhood Education Teachers: A Pathway to Increase Self-Efficacy and Positive Attitudes toward Physical Science
Brian Berry and Roseanna J. Wright - Assessing the Needs of University Students in Blended-Course Learning: Implications for Course Design and Instruction
Michele L. Brague - Preservice Teachers’ Lived Experiences of the Mentoring Relationship with Their University Supervisors
Melinda S. Burchard - An Analysis of Evidence-Based Teaching Practices from Meta-Analyses 2000 to 2014 for Kindergarten through Middle School
Jodi Katsafanas - Pathways to Developing Interculturally Aware Teachers
Cate Crosby and Sara Lamb Kistler - Integrating Service Learning into a Course on Teaching English Language Learners and Looking at Preliminary Data
Royce Robertson and John McCarthy - The Relationship of Scholastic Achievement Test Scores to Performance on State Teacher Basic Skills Examinations
Maude Yacapsin - Student-Led Inquiry in Preservice Field Placements: iPad Technologies Empower Future Teachers
Pennsylvania Teacher Educator - Vol. 12 - 2013
Julie Ankrum and Bethany McConnell - Lost in Translation: Understanding Common Terms of RTI in Reading
Veronica I. Ent and Stacie Nowikowski - Tiers Without Fears:A Model for Teaching Preservice Teachers How to Teach Online
Jason T. Hilton - Pedagogy for Digital Literacy: Advancing “Hyperreading” Skills in the Classroom
Amy Ricketts - The Five Commonplaces: A Curriculum Analysis and Its Implications for Teacher Education
Nicole E. Titus - A Review of Literature Investigating Coteaching Influences in Teacher Education Programs
Pennsylvania Teacher Educator - Vol. 11 - 2012
Patricia Arter, Francis DeMatteo, Marcie Paulhamus, and Amanda Reese - Bridging the Gap: An Interdisciplinary, Experiential Model between School Psychology and Special Education
Michelle R. Gonzalez and Christine L. Fryer - From Our Classroom to Their Classroom: A Community Partnership Toward Quality Early Intervention Programming
Marilyn S. Howe - Common Core State Standards and Implications for Teacher Education Programs
Amy Rogers, Marisa Macy, and Rachel Hickoff-Cresko - A Window of Opportunity for Quality Field Experiences: Developing Partnerships to Support Pre-professional Practicum
Stacie M. Wolbert - “Put Me In, Teach”: Using Cultural Immersion Experiences to Gain Greater Understanding of Urban Students, Schools, and Communities
Kevin Zook and Gwyneth Price - Beyond Bloom: Toward a Conditions-based Approach to Instructional Planning
Pennsylvania Teacher Educator - Vol. 10 - 2011
Patricia S. Arter - Teaching, Scholarship, and Service: Collaborative Products of a Program for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Tammy B. H. Brown and Kathy Ruthkosky - Students Achieving Success and Inspiring Excellence (SASIE): Creating a Third Space for Growth through a University and Community Partnership
Mark W. Deitrick and A. Lee Williams - Silos, Higher Education and Transfer Articulation: Quality and the Ish Factor
Stephanie Mackler and Alexandra Wilson - Studying the Un-Realities of School: Using Hollywood Films to Help Preservice Teachers Develop Cultural Competence
Maude Yacapsin - Self-Care for the Student Teacher: A Promising New Practice for Teacher Education Programs
Pennsylvania Teacher Educator - Vol. 9 - 2010
Patricia S. Arter, Susan M. Perlis, Kathleen Ruthkosky, and Ellen Burkhouse - Student Response Systems: Reflections on One Approach to Interactive Instruction
Tammy B. H. Brown - Helping Teachers to Create “Third Spaces” in the Classroom through Literature Circle Discussions
Stephen J. Bugaj and Jane L. Penman - Pennsylvania’s Commitment to Students Who are Gifted and Talented: Meaningful Intentions but Little Substance?
Susan E. Fello - “Hey, Lady, are you sweatin’?”: A College Professor’s Experiences as a Substitute Teacher
Cinda Findlan and James Preston - Metacognitive Approaches: Five Strategies to Support Math Problem-Solving
Allan Nail and Nina R. Girard - A Model of Online Support for Preservice Teachers’ Transfer of Theory to Practice
Pennsylvania Teacher Educator - Vol. 8 - 2009
Patricia S. Arter and Kathleen Ruthkosky - Universal Design for Learning: One University’s Efforts to Prepare Preservice Teachers
Tammy Brown, Simon Saba, and Sandra Genduso - Developing Competence in the New Literacies: What Teachers Need to Know
John Criswell and James Nolan - James Flynn, PAC-TE Leader Extraordinaire
Laurie B. Hanich and Jane S. Bray - No Child Left Behind: An Examination of Preservice Teachers’ Knowledge and Preparation
Jim Flynn - Random Reflections of a Retiring Executive Director
Graciela Slesaransky-Poe, Colleen F. Tomko, and Kathleen Wirth - Arcadia Annual Inclusion Institute: From Professional Development to Professional Learning
Pennsylvania Teacher Educator - Vol. 7 - 2008
Ellen E. Ballock - The Development and Evaluation of a Tool for Purposefully Examining and Improving Critical Friends Groups
Veronica I. Ent and Wanda M. Reynolds - Teaching Preservice Teachers the Message Delivery Techniques of Fred Rogers
Cinda Findlan - Model a Culturally Responsive Classroom Using Inclusive Rituals
Jane M. Wilburne and Jim Bohan - Teacher Candidates’ Assessment Competencies: What Do Pennsylvania School Districts Value?
Pennsylvania Teacher Educator - Vol. 6 - 2007
Parveen Ali - Muslims in American Schools: A Guide for Teachers
Ronald Lombard and Ellen Ashburn - A Collaborative Evaluation Model of Student Teacher Competence Using Form PDE-430
Lori Dira Smolleck and Allie Hills - The Development and Validation of a Rubric for Assessing the Teaching of Science as Inquiry
Annmarie R. Ward and Carla Zembal-Saul - Scientist-Science Teacher Educator Partnerships for Developing and Teaching Science Courses for Preservice Elementary Teachers
Craig A. Wilson - The Development and Implementation of a Middle School Science Certification Program for Preservice Special Education Teachers
William Yerger - Bullying in Schools: Implications for Schools and Teacher Education Programs
Pennsylvania Teacher Educator - Vol. 5 - 2006
Claudia Balach and George Szymanski – Arenas of Work within a PDS Framework: An Emerging System of Data, Literature and Experience
Kimetta R. Hairston – The Culture Learning Process in Higher Education: An Examination of Cultural Awareness and Culturally Responsive Teaching
Jane Keat, Mary Napoli, Karthigeyan Subramaniam, and Jane Wilburne – Reconceptualizing Preservice Teachers’ Field Experiences Through a Structured Reflection Model
Patricia Kolencik and Joyce Overly – Teaching Large Classes: Techniques and Strategies for Effective Course Management
Patricia Kramer – Preparing Beginning Teachers to Develop Effective Relationships with Students’ Families
Mark Mraz – John Dewey as Teacher
Linda Norris and Kelly Jean Norris – Creating a Winning Classroom Environment: Engaging Students and Minimizing Behavioral Disruptions in the Secondary Classroom
Pennsylvania Teacher Educator - Vol. 4 - 2005
Bernard Badiali and Donna J. Hammond – Co-teaching as an Alternative to the Take-over Phenomenon
Ellen Fennick and Kathleen A. Bowes – What teacher Educators discovered About Assistive Technology in Schools
Ruth McKoy Lowery, Donna Sabis-Burns, and Shawn Brown – Preparing Preservice Teachers to Create Positive Learning Environments in Culturally Diverse Classrooms
Thomas Mastrilli – The Status of Environmental Education in Pennsylvania’s Elementary Teacher Education Programs
Tina M. Sweeley and Bernard R. Brogan – Teachers’ Views on Danielson’s Evaluation Model: What Teacher Educators Should Know
Deborah S. Yost – Reforming Teacher Education Practices: Linking Research and School-Based Knowledge
Pennsylvania Teacher Educator - Vol. 3 - 2004
Diane Nelson Bryen, Brian Berry, and Patricia J. Creegan – Toward Change in teacher Preparation: A Case Study in Change
Kay A. Chick – Improving Teaching and Learning with Instructional Rubrics
Mary Kropiewnicki and Lynn Baynum – Developing Preservice Teachers’ Competency with Academic Standards: An Instructional Framework
Mark Mraz, Mary Vetere, and Marjorie Wuthrick – The Normal School Curriculum: Slippery Rock State Normal School of Pennsylvania as a Case Study
Rose M. Pringle and Courtney A. Johnson – Self-reflection Profile and Microteaching: Exploring a Route to Learning to Teach Science
Suzanne M. Rose – Developing candidates’ Confidence to Teach Reading: The influence of Action Research in a Professional Development School Setting
Pennsylvania Teacher Educator - Vol. 2 - 2003
John Criswell – The Use of Grade Point Averages to Improve the Quality of Novice Teachers: consequences and Risks
David M. Dees, Casee Campbell, Jayme Jones, Susan Pennock, and Melissa Samad – The Act of Performance: Re-thinking Teaching and Teacher Education through an Undergraduate Course Experience
John Durnin – Preservice Teachers Taught Classroom Technology by Inservice Teachers
Ellen Fennick – Proactive Planning for Inclusive Lessons
Debra M. Freedman – Challenging Prior Beliefs and Media Representations of Teachers Through Dialogue and Reflection
Vahid Motamedi and Linda M. Fleming – Assessing Computer Techology Training in Teacher Education Programs
Kathleen Sillman, Thomas M. Dana, and Matthew Miller – Fifth-Year Teacher: From Mentored to Mentoring
Jocelynn L. Smrekar and Melissa J. Marks – A Dialogue in Diversity: Taking the First Step
Pennsylvania Teacher Educator - Vol. 1 - 2002
Wei Wei Cai and Gail G. Bollin – Opening Students’ Minds to Other Cultures
Barbara A. Crawford and Vincent N. Lunetta – Promoting the Development of a Personal Philosophy of Teaching in Prospective Secondary Science Teachers
Thomas A. Evitts and Jane M. Wilburne – Packing for the Future: Best Practice in Secondary Mathematics Methods Courses
Belinda G. Gimbert – Learning to Teach: The Lived Experience of Being an Intern in a Professional Development School
Denise G. Meister – Beginning Teachers’ Reflections on their Preserve Training
Connie M. Moss, Kathleen A. Gosnell, Susan M. Brookhart, and Jacqueline Haber – The Role of Rubrics in Reflective Practice: Moving Preservice Teachers from “Goal-Seeking” to :Goal-Getting” Dispositions
Jonelle E. Pool, Erin Ashenfelder, Brendon Clark, and Charles Dittrich – Reality Bytes: Exploring First-Year Teacher Journals with Preservice Teachers
John R. Ward and Suzanne S. McCotter – A Comparison of Two Approaches to Meeting NCATE 2000 Standards