Journal Policy


Editors and manuscript reviewers must be current PAC-TE members.


Abstracts of journal articles shall be posted to the public side of the PAC-TE website.  Journal articles shall be posted to the member side of the PAC-TE website.


(As adopted by the Board of Directors June 18, 2015)

Current PAC-TE journal co-editors and associate editors are not eligible to submit manuscripts for publication in the PAC-TE journal.


(As adopted by the PAC-TE Board of Directors on October 22, 2014)

Position Description

The Associate Editors of the Pennsylvania Teacher Educator are responsible for assisting the co-editors and managing editor of the Journal in the process of reviewing, selecting, and editing manuscripts for publication in each volume of the Journal (one volume per year). The journal co-editors assume overall responsibility for the quality of each issue of the Journal.  

Specific responsibilities of the associate editors include:

1)    Reviewing five or more submitted manuscripts between March and May of each year of service and submitting the completed reviews to the managing editor;

2)    Participating in a conference call with the managing editor and co-editors to discuss each manuscript and its reviews to decide which manuscripts will be published and which will be rejected;

3)    Working with authors of accepted manuscripts to assist where needed in making recommended changes to improve the quality of each manuscript;

4)    Engaging in other tasks related to the Journal operation as requested by the co-editors and managing editor.

Minimum Qualifications

1)    PAC-TE member (individual or institutional);

2)    Experience as a successful manuscript reviewer for the PA Teacher Educator;

3)    Demonstrated excellent organizational skills;

4)    Experience functioning effectively as a member of a collaborative team.

Terms of Service

There will be five Associate Editors of the Journal who will serve three-year terms with the possibility of reappointment for one additional three-year term. Associate Editors must maintain PAC-TE membership (either individual or as an institutional representative) throughout the entire term of service.

Application and Selection Procedures

When Associate Editor positions open, the Executive Director of PAC-TE in consultation with the co-editors and managing editor will prepare a position description to solicit applications from interested PAC-TE members with a reasonable timeline for submission of applications.

Interested applicants will be required to submit the following materials:

1)    Letter of application that addresses their experience in terms of the required qualifications;

2)    A up-to-date vita or resume;

3)    A letter of support from a colleague that specifically addresses the required qualifications including demonstrated organizational skills and experience functioning as a member of collaborative teams.

The PAC-TE Journal Committee will review applications and conduct phone interviews with appropriate candidates and select candidates whose names will be forwarded to the PAC-TE Executive Board for approval.

The Chair of the Journal Committee will make a report to the PAC-TE Executive Board that describes the search process and seeks Board approval for the candidates selected for the position by the Committee.

Selection Criteria

1)    Are all application materials submitted?  Yes/No

2)    Is the applicant a PAC-TE member?  Yes/No

3)    Does the applicant have a record as a successful reviewer of PTE? Yes/ No

4)    Does the letter of support specifically address the candidate’s organizational skills? Yes/No

5)    Does the letter of support specifically address the applicant’s experience as a member of a collaborative team?  Yes/No

For applicants for whom the answer to all five questions is yes, the following process will be used to judge applicants:

  • 1 point for each year as a PTE reviewer during the last 5 years
  • 1 to 4 points for quality of organizational skills
  • 1 to 4 points for quality of experience as member of a collaborative team
  • 3 points for other evidence that shows experience with journals such as authoring/co-authoring at least one journal article or working on other journals in some capacity



(As adopted by the PAC-TE Board of Directors on September 11, 2015)

Associate Editors of the PAC-TE Journal normally serve three-year terms and may be reappointed for an additional three-year term provided that the Associate Editor has fulfilled all of the duties of the position in a satisfactory manner each year.  An Associate Editor may be asked to leave the position if the Associate Editor has not fulfilled all of the duties of the position in a satisfactory manner.  The determination of whether each Associate Editor has fulfilled the duties will be made each August by the Co-Editors in consultation with the Managing Editor of the journal.

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