Pennsylvania Teacher Educator Journal
The Pennsylvania Association of Colleges and Teacher Educators (PAC-TE) publishes a peer-reviewed journal — the Pennsylvania Teacher Educator. Our journal intended to provide PAC-TE members, other researchers, and educators a venue to capture current research that makes use of quantitative, qualitative, and/or mixed-methods approaches, as well as rigorous theoretical works that capture current research, advances, and changes in the emerging directions of teacher education. The journal began as a monograph, with its first publication in 1999, and then moved to a journal format with its first publication in 2002. Starting in 2021, Pennsylvania Teacher Educator moved to publishing two issues per year.
Publication decisions are made following a double-blind peer review process. There is no remuneration for articles accepted for publication.
Click the button below to access current and past issues of the Pennsylvania Teacher Educator.
Information for Authors
The Pennsylvania Teacher Educator seeks to publish work that helps to advance the field of teacher education. Authors interested in publishing within the journal should consider the following when writing their manuscript. The manuscript should:
Submission Guidelines:
There is no remuneration for articles accepted for publication, but a complimentary copy of the journal will be mailed to each author. There is no fee for the review of the manuscript.
All submitted manuscripts are subject to a double-blind peer-review process by a minimum of two reviewers that have expertise in the area of the manuscript topic and/or methodology. Reviewers are selected by journal editors. During the review process, reviewers attend to the several things, including:
· Relevance and interest of topic to the field of teacher education
· Concision of writing
· Use of relevant literature
· Appropriate and accurate reporting of methodology
· Useful insights of the research reported
Once completed, reviewers are asked to submit their review to an editor. Editors notify authors of submission status within 4-6 weeks of submission. Once an article is accepted for publication, the editors work with the author to create a final, publishable article, and combine all of the articles for a specific volume and issue into one final volume for publication.
Authors who submit a revision are not guaranteed that the revised manuscript will be accepted. Rejected articles are not reviewed a second time.
Authors of manuscripts accepted for publication are asked to sign a copyright release to PAC-TE. This allows PAC-TE to publish the information in the Pennsylvania Teacher Educator, to publish the information in future PAC-TE publications, and to grant permission to persons or organizations that formally request the right to reprint the material in whole or in part.
Publication Ethics
Editor Responsibilities
It is the responsibility of the editors of the Pennsylvania Teacher Educator to decide whether to publish or reject an article for publication within the journal once it has gone through the double-blind peer review process. Editors are tasked with ensuring the integrity of the journal by thoroughly reviewing all manuscripts as part of the publication process, consulting with associate editors, and relying on reviewer feedback when making publication decisions.
During the evaluation process, as well as considering the rigor of the work within the manuscript and its contribution to the field, editors will also ensure that research conforms to ethical guidelines. All manuscripts are evaluated for intellectual content only. Personal information such as race, color, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, and/or political or philosophy about the authors is never collected nor considered when making publication decisions. The editors adhere to the integrity of the double-blind review process during manuscript review and do not reveal the identity of author(s) to reviewers nor reveal the identity of reviewers to author(s).
Corrections and Retractions
The Pennsylvania Teacher Educator does not alter articles or make corrections post-publication. If there are concerns expressed about the integrity of a published article, editors will follow the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) retraction guidelines ( The Pennsylvania Teacher Educator will retract a published article if:
· the manuscript and findings are published elsewhere without permission
· the manuscript has plagiarism
· the findings in the manuscript are a result of data fabrication or unreliable
· the research conducted was unethical
If an article is retracted, the editors will replace the online published article with a retraction notice.
The editors have the right to check submissions for plagiarism by using plagiarism checker software. Manuscripts with suspected plagiarism will be rejected. Plagiarism in manuscripts found after publication will follow guidance outlined in Corrections and Retractions.
Reviewer Responsibilities
Reviewers for the Pennsylvania Teacher Educator work on a volunteer basis. Reviewers can decline to review a manuscript at their discretion. Reviewers should only accept invitations to review articles when they know they can complete the review in a timely fashion and know they have the expertise to provide an honest review. Reviewers should decline invitations to review any manuscripts where they are unknowledgeable about the topic or methodology.
Once reviewers accept an invitation to review a manuscript, they are expected to submit their reviews within 30 days. If during the review, reviewers find they do not have the level of expertise needed or believe there may be a conflict of interest (i.e.: think they recognize the author based on the subject or research or are connected to any of the authors, etc.), they should recuse themselves from the review by contacting the editor. Reviewers agree to keep all manuscript information confidential.
Author Responsibilities
Authors are responsible for authorizing their submission as their original work and attesting that it has not been previously published nor is being considered for publication in another journal. Authors are responsible for assuring that the sources within the work are attributed correctly through the use of citations or quotations and are obligated to ensure that data used within their manuscript is authentic.
When using copyrighted images or artwork, it is the responsibility of the author to obtain written permission for inclusion of the images/artwork within the manuscript. The authors agree to share the written permission with journal editors if submission is accepted for publication.
Authors should list names on the article in order of contribution to said article. Only people who made a meaningful contribution should be listed as authors. People who have contributed marginally (e.g., reviewed drafts, provided proofreading) should not be listed as an author but instead can be referenced in “Acknowledgements.”
It is the responsibility of the authors to amend any errors or inaccuracies in an article that has been published (e.g., incorrect attributions, errors that alter meaning, errors in data).
Journal Editorial Board
Thomas Conway, Kutztown University,
Jason Hilton, Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania,
Managing Editor
James Preston, Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania,
Associate Editors
Marcia Bolton, Millersville University
Desiree Caldwell, Gwynedd Mercy University
Jonathon Chitiyo, University of Pittsburgh, Bradford
Amy Hoyle, Neumann University
Tracy McNelly, Saint Vincent College
Journal Founding Editors
Jim Nolan, Co-editor, Pennsylvania State University
Patricia Nelson, Co-editor, Susquehanna University
Susan Harpster, Managing Editor, Pennsylvania State University
List of Peer Reviewers
Manuscript Peer Reviewers
Brian Berry, Holy Family University
Melinda Burchard, Messiah University
Daniel Casebeer, Seton Hill University
William Clark, University of Pittsburgh, Bradford
Juliet Curci, Temple University
Daniela DiGregorio, Wilson College
Kelly Doyle, Immaculata University
Carol Etlen, Gwynedd Mercy University
Leighann Forbes, Gannon University
Karen Frantz-Fry, Wilkes University
Laura Kelley, Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania
Jeffrey Laferriere, Lebanon Valley College
Elizabeth LaGamba, Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania
Jamie Raski, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Carrie Recla, Bloomsburg University
Greer Richardson, La Salle University
Michelle Sobolak, University of Pittsburgh
Madora Soutter, Villanova University
Kathryn Silvis, LaRoche University
Deborah Tamakloe, Millersville University of Pennsylvania
Become a Reviewer
The Pennsylvania Teacher Educator is looking for teacher educators who are interested in becoming reviewers for the journal. Each manuscript that is submitted to the journal undergoes a blind review process from three peer reviewers. Consequently, we are always in need of good reviewers who return manuscripts to the editors in a timely fashion. Members who are interested in becoming a reviewer should contact
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