National Affiliations

American Association of Colleges and Teacher Educators                               

AACTE's Mission Statement:

To promote the learning of all PK-12 students through high-quality, evidence-based preparation and continuing education for all school personnel.  

The American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education is a national alliance of educator preparation programs dedicated to the highest quality professional development of teachers and school leaders in order to enhance PK-12 student learning.


The 800 institutions holding AACTE membership represent public and private colleges and universities in every state, the District of Columbia, the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, and Guam. AACTE's reach and influence fuel its mission of serving learners by providing all school personnel with superior training and continuing education. AACTE employs three key strategies to achieve its goals: advocacy, leadership, and service.

PAC-TE's Relationship with AACTE:  

The AACTE and PAC-TE collaborate to strengthen their advocacy efforts, share experience and expertise, and expand their members’ professional development opportunities. To this end, our
Chapter’s relationship with AACTE is a voluntary affiliation that allows us to advance our members’ interests.

PAC-TE is a long-standing authorized state chapter of AACTE.  The PAC-TE president or director designee serves on the AACTE Advisory Council of State Representatives, the primary purpose of which is to advise the Board of Directors of AACTE relative to the Board's efforts to lead the Association toward improving the quality of instruction, counseling, and administration in schools, colleges, and departments of education.

PAC-TE encourages its institutional members to also join AACTE and to take advantage of and become involved in its government relations, research, events, news room, and resources.  AACTE member institutions are entitled to one (1) additional PAC-TE institutional member. 

PAC-TE submits an annual report to AACTE.  PAC-TE's web site was made possible through a matching AACTE chapter grant in 2011.


AACTE maintains a constant presence on Capitol Hill to expand its congressional network and provide members with up-to-the-minute analysis of education policy.


AACTE believes in consensus-building through open and free-flowing dialogue on education matters, consistent support for diverse learners, and serving as a principal authority on issues pertaining to teacher quality.


AACTE provides members with vital communication regarding policy issues and events, publications targeting various areas of interest, and unique professional development opportunities.


  • Unify the membership by developing clear statements, based on evidence and professional consensus, about educator preparation in five areas: standards, curriculum, assessment, accountability, and who belongs in the profession.
  • Establish and maintain a credible voice in state and federal policy making, advocating for high quality in student learning.
  • Strengthen programs and build their capacity to prepare educators who can teach every child effectively.
  • Increase the diversity of education candidates and improve programs' curriculum to ensure that all educators can serve diverse learners.


The Association of Teacher Educators                                                


The Association of Teacher Educators (ATE) was founded in 1920 and is an individual membership organization devoted solely to the improvement of teacher education both for school-based and post secondary teacher educators.

ATE members represent over 700 colleges and universities, over 500 major school systems, and the majority of state departments of education.

The ATE office is located in the Washington DC area where it represents its members’ interests before governmental agencies and education organizations. In addition, ATE has representatives on the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education.

PAC-TE's relationship with ATE:

PAC-TE is a long standing authorized state unit of ATE.  The PAC-TE president, president-elect and past president serve on the ATE Council of Unit Presidents.  PAC-TE is authorized to appoint  members each year to attend the ATE Delegate Assembly and report back to the Board of Directors and the membership.   Pennsylvania teacher educators are active as servant leaders in and with ATE.  PAC-TE submits an annual report to ATE.  PAC-TE encourages its members to also join ATE and take advantage of its services.  ATE membership is an eligibility requirement for the PAC-TE Board of Directors.  PAC-TE is the recipient of the 2006, 2011 and 2016 ATE Outstanding Unit Award and the 2020 and 2021 John P. Sikula Unit Awards for Program Services.

ATE's Vision:

ATE promotes advocacy, equity, leadership, and professionalism for teacher educators in all settings and supports quality education for all learners at all levels.

ATE's Mission:

ATE, as an individual membership organization, promotes quality teacher education through both exemplary clinical practice and research.


Goal: ATE will act as an advocate for teachers and teacher educators to become active participants in education policymaking and in leading the profession.


Goal: ATE will develop and implement a strategic marketing and image-branding plan.


Goal: ATE will use and review the conference structure regularly to strengthen active participation for all ATE membership categories.

Governance and Involvement/Support Within ATE:

Goal: ATE will review the governance structure regularly to emphasize efficiency, direction, and involvement.


Goals: ATE will systematically recruit and retain members among all stakeholder groups. 


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