Government Relations Policy

(As approved by the PAC-TE Board of Directors September 12, 2014)

I. General Statement:

In order to work toward making systematic change necessary to achieving our mission, PAC-TE engages in advocacy activity. It is the policy of PAC-TE to advocate on public policy issues that clearly relate to the mission of our Association, including but not limited to issues related to the preparation of professional educators. The mission of PAC-TE is to provide quality professional educator preparation programs and to provide opportunity for individual professional growth for all persons in Pennsylvania engaged in professional educator preparation.

 II. Criteria for Public Policy Positions

PAC-TE may take positions on public policy issues that satisfy one or more of three basic criteria. Th is public policy affects:

  • PAC-TE’s ability to work toward its mission
  • PAC-TE’s individual or institutional members’ ability to work toward PAC-TE’s mission
  • The non-profit status or operation of PAC-TE.

 III. Process for Determining Positions

During strategic planning every two years, the Board of Directors will establish priority issues for the Government Relations Committee to address and develop position papers outlining PAC-TE’s recommendation on each priority issue. The membership will be invited regularly to submit additional issues of concern through a variety of communication venues).

IV. Concerning Participation in Coalitions

To the extent it is consistent with other aspects of this policy, PAC-TE will participate in the advocacy activities of other non-profit educational associations or coalitions.

V. PAC-TE is Non-partisan in its Activities

Members of PAC-TE represent a broad cross-section of the political spectrum. PAC-TE does not support one candidate over another and does not support any political parties. PAC-TE works with both political parties in legislative efforts related to professional educator preparation, education and certification. In an effort to inform our membership of education-related issues that may come before policy-making bodies, PAC-TE may ask candidates for office to speak at our conferences and communicate with our members through other means. In such instances, candidates from both parties will be extended invitations.

VI. Government Relations Committee

The Government Relations Committee shall be chaired by the President-elect and shall consist at a minimum of the Past President and three directors, appointed by the President. The Government Relations Committee shall have at least one director representative currently employed in preparing professional educators in each of the following types of institutions: private, state-related and state-owned. The President may appoint additional Board members or PAC-TE members to the Government Relations Committee to assist with particular public policy issues.

VII. Speaking for PAC-TE

The President shall be the chief spokesperson and advocacy representative of the Association. The President may delegate this responsibility to another member of the Government Relations Committee or the Association.

As appropriate, committee members will draft language for use in advocacy for approval by the Board of Directors, using electronic means when necessary.

When a Board vote is not feasible, the President in consultation with the Government Relations Committee, is authorized to speak and otherwise communicate on behalf of PAC-TE using the PAC-TE beliefs document and the current Government Relations Position Statement as the basis of communications.

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