PAC-TE's Strategic Plan

PAC-TE Strategic Plan 2022-2024


 Action Steps

Who Responsible


Actions Needed

Develop GRC as a Standing Committee

President-Elect with Executive Committee support.

Completed by June 2024

Revise by-laws as needed.

Develop committee policy and procedures.

Develop position statements on major issues so as to be ready to respond quickly to legislation and PDE.

State government – Strengthen existing relationships and develop new relationships with individuals in state government. Deliberately interact with new Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Education as well as BSLTQ Director

President and President-elect


Maintain presence at State Board meetings; continue with PAC-TE/PDE roundtable discussions; reach out for informal lunch meetings; letters of congratulations to new appointees.

Collaborative advocacy – Foster relationships with PSEA, PSBA, PASA and State IU Assoc.; expand to other organizations after those have been established.

President-Elect or Executive Committee


Update as we approach Teacher Education Day 2023;

KCEA when needed

GRC has made connections with each of these organizations and continues to interact.

Board voted for PAC-TE to officially join the PEDC to solidify positive perspectives on issues of DEI.

Increase Community College membership to 3 institutions or by a total of 9 members.


President, Executive Director, and Executive Committee

June 2024 with updates in January ’24 and June ‘24.

Create a new membership category for community colleges set at $200, allowing CC members to appoint 3 members.

Promote the relevance of the spring 2023 conference to community colleges.

Increase the total number of members of PAC-TE by 5% over the 2021 baseline number.


Executive Director, Social Media Director and Executive Committee

June 2024

Executive Director and Social Media Director market the values of PAC-TE to institutions and potential members.

Executive Director reports on membership at January and June Meetings.

Expand on graduate students’ participation in the organization.


President, Executive Director, and Executive Committee

By Fall TEA 2024

Implement Graduate Student Leadership Team.

Identify additional roles for graduate students at association events or on committees.

Create additional opportunities for PAC-TE members to engage with PAC-TE.   

Executive Director,

Social Media Director


List available opportunities on website, social media, and PAC-TE monthly Updates. Promote the value of participation and as an opportunity when joining PAC-TE.

Continue to expand the use of various social media to communicate broadly about PAC-TE


President and Social Media Director, members of the Board


Expanded use of Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram presence.

Create “events” for people to follow and check-in when attending.

Connect with school-based clinical educators.

Post photos.

Update our logo for use on social media

Expand impact of the Journal


Executive Director / Social Media Director working with Co-Editors and Managing Editors of the Journal

June 2024

Promote search and accessibility of Journal through the website and social media.

Advertise the value and quality of the Journal at ATE.

Produce 2 editions of the Journal annually.

Grow conference attendance and quality

Executive Board/ Conference leaders

June 2024

Provide Act 48 through Penn West for Spring ‘23 conference

Present a topical webinar on a critical issue (such as dispositions / ethics) connecting to the spring / fall conferences

Encourage conference planning committees to identify high draw speakers even if they may exceed the budget.









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