Executive Directors' Scholarship

DEADLINE for Applications: September 30, 2024

Description of Scholarship

The PAC-TE Executive Directors’ Scholarship is an annual scholarship honoring all past PAC-TE Executive Directors. The scholarship is to be awarded to a deserving Undergraduate or Graduate Student pursuing teacher certification at a college or university in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania who has a GPA of 3.5 or higher. The monetary amount of the scholarship is anticipated to be $1,000.00.

Scholarship Selection Committee 

The scholarship Selection Committee will be comprised of six (6) members. These six (6) members shall include: 1). the PAC-TE Treasurer, 2). one (1) PAC-TE Board Member, 3). One (1) PAC-TE member representing a PA State University, 4). One (1) PAC-TE member representing a PA State-related University, 5). One (1) PAC-TE member representing a private College or University and 6). one (1) PAC-TE member representing Individual Members.

Procedures for Application, Review and Selection of the Recipient

Each fall an annual request for nominations will be posted on the PAC-TE website for PAC-TE members to nominate a deserving student or for student members to self-nominate, with the endorsement of a PAC-TE member, for the scholarship. All nominees will be expected to submit/upload the following documentation via the PAC-TE webpage.

  • On-line Application
  • Three (3) letters of reference that address the following student characteristics. Two of these letters should be from faculty who have had the candidate in class.
    • Leadership
    • Initiative
    • Applicant’s commitment to Pre-K-12 Education
    • Applicant’s goals and aspirations
  • A copy of the candidate’s transcripts (these may be unofficial transcripts)
  • Application Letter – The applicant’s letter should address the following:
    • Leadership
    • Initiative
    • Applicant’s commitment to Pre-K-12 Education/
    • Applicant’s goals and aspirations
    • Intended use of the scholarship

Post Scholarship Expectations

All scholarship recipients will be encouraged to submit to the PAC-TE Selection Committee a written report one year after the award describing how the recipient utilized the scholarship funds.  Awardees will not be eligible for a subsequent PAC-TE scholarship award.

First Name
Middle Initial
Last Name
Permanent Address
University/College Name
College or University Address
Contact Phone
Upload a copy of your transcripts
Upload a copy of your certifications
Please attach your Applicant Letter. It should clearly address your goals and aspirations and the intended use of the scholarship
Letter of Recommendation #1
Letter of Recommendation #2
Letter of Recommendation #3
Signature of Applicant *
Signature of PAC-TE Member *


Fields marked with * are required.

Your form submission WILL be encrypted using SSL to ensure your privacy.

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717.516.8893 | joel@pac-te.org
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